If you possess a majestic tree that necessitates removal, look no further than Patriot Tree Services. Our experienced team is equipped with the tools and expertise to efficiently and safely handle tree removals.
If you own a beautiful large tree, chances are it will eventually require our tree pruning and trimming services. Our expert arborists encourage healthy growth, and you can learn more about our approach here.
Most tree removals are necessary for large trees, and Patriot Tree Service has the tools to efficiently and safely handle the job. Our team is trained to handle even the most challenging tree removals with precision.
If your trees are struggling, we offer fertilizing services to help them flourish. Our team will recommend products and practices tailored to the unique needs of your trees and landscape preferences.
Call us today for a free quote on our tree and stump removal services in San Antonio, TX, and the surrounding area.
*Disclaimer: The above pricing guidelines are an approximation and not guaranteed. The estimate is based on information provided by the client regarding the project requirements and details. Actual cost may change once all project elements are finalized or negotiated and are based on the level of danger, accessibility (i.e. whether the tree is over a house, car, fence, etc.) of each project.
Regardless of the difficulty of your trees on your property, our team of tree service experts has the knowledge, experience, and certification to handle tree removal efficiently and safely.
We have an excellent reputation and safety record. Don’t attempt to do it yourself! Call our tree experts today for a free estimate.
We are your reliable tree removal company, serving Hill Country Village, TX, and surrounding areas. Our skilled arborists ensure the health, beauty, and safety of your trees throughout the removal process.